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Inferno 1st January 2005 22:49

Dont body camp people in guilds...they may have level 60s in it that will come after you and do the same.

Phantom 1st January 2005 23:49

Phants' guide to making money.
  • Use the auction house. Unless it's crap (white / grey items), chances are it will earn you a lot more money at the AH than it will at a vendor. I typically quest until I am full up and then boogey to the AH to sell my stacks of leather / ore / bars / green & blue items. It's a rare day that I don't log in to a mailbox full of gold, let me tell you.
  • Recipes are worth big bucks - take them to the AH. If it's high enough (150+ of one skill or another) you'll likely earn a handful of gold for it.
  • Whoring skinnable creeps a level or two below you (no more than say 5 or 6, depending on your own level) nets you XP and you (if you are a skinner, 'natch) get double the effective drop thanks to your ability to skin. Stacks of leather go for decent silver and you get a good whack out of soft patches of fur etc.
  • Stay way the hell away from enchanting. This is a very expensive habit ;)

There's more but wifey is calling.

sky_ 2nd January 2005 16:32

When you want to sell stacks of stuff at the AH.. break it up.

Sell smaller stacks at higher prices. People who need small amounts are willing to pay a bit more.

eg. going rate for 20 silk is about 40s. With that same price, 5 pieces should be worth 10s.

You can usually get away with charging 120-150% of the standard price for a reduced stack. In this case, you should be going for 12-15s per 10.

As long as they're all bought out, you will 60s per 20 silk as opposed to 40s.

Nice aye? ;)

Dornak 3rd January 2005 00:17

Create a level 1 alt and run to wherever your auction house is located (I had no trouble running a lvl 1 troll to Oggrimmar).

When you find a green item or have a stack of whatever you want to sell, mail it to your alt. It only costs 30c and you don't have to make the trek (and back) from wherever you are currently adventuring. It also means you dont have to worry so much about bag space :)

sky_ 3rd January 2005 03:00


Originally posted by Dornak
Create a level 1 alt and run to wherever your auction house is located (I had no trouble running a lvl 1 troll to Oggrimmar).

When you find a green item or have a stack of whatever you want to sell, mail it to your alt. It only costs 30c and you don't have to make the trek (and back) from wherever you are currently adventuring. It also means you dont have to worry so much about bag space :)

Daaamn. Nice dude!

Evoke 3rd January 2005 03:31

avoid playing at 2 in the morning - servers link with DB seems to fuck out every night like clockwork

enchanting is the most money sucking pointless profession - you will never sell anything because you'd be too tempted to disenchant it, and you'll never make any money because you'd be too busy questing to actually go to IF or SW to spam your services on /2. Good to service the guildies though if you're feeling altruistic.

tailoring is the most contested profession - first aiders need cloth, enchanters need pearls, leatherworkers need leather, you'll be hard pressed to get any ingridients for tailoring. Can make some blue items to disenchant though if you're into that crack habit :P

try to fill in the map and find the gryphon master before you start doing quests in the area - makes getaways so much easier, and you get about 1k exp just exploring.

teamspeak saves fingers and makes the game more social.
wowreader saves character screenshots.

Evoke 6th January 2005 21:26

if you are a miner and someone has set sights on the mine you're working on, wait for it to come up with the loot window, but don't pick up the item until the other person leaves - they can't mine it till you've looted.

curses 7th January 2005 03:18


Originally posted by Evoke
avoid playing at 2 in the morning - servers link with DB seems to fuck out every night like clockwork
when that happens it's just time to change server (-:

um.. or go to see if nzgames is working again...

Inferno 11th January 2005 19:12

If you are a priest and fighting monsters or players alone power word: shield is very useful. Also when priest do not pull with shadow word: pain. Get in max range of a monster and you can cast 2 smites on them before they get to you then use shadow word: pain.

curses 11th January 2005 21:52

not smite level 4, or 5, same damage as SW:P hehe ouch

pull with wand... or hunter...

Torka 8th February 2005 17:05


Originally posted by blur^
mounts are faster then travel form :)
Yeah, by a whole 20%...not worth 90/100 gold for a 20% gain. I'm just skipping the level 40 mount and saving for an epic.

BadNova 8th February 2005 17:43

As a lvl 19 with 25 silver in the bank, I think those gold-making tips are going to be extremely useful - thanks guys :D

Jenza 12th February 2005 18:46


Originally posted by Torka
Yeah, by a whole 20%...not worth 90/100 gold for a 20% gain. I'm just skipping the level 40 mount and saving for an epic.
Lol, 20% is a lot unless you're playing on a lame ass non-pvp server.

BadNova 13th February 2005 13:34


Originally posted by Jenza
Lol, 20% is a lot unless you're playing on a lame ass non-pvp server.
Can you summon mounts in combat?

Spink 13th February 2005 20:37

no you can't summon a mount in combat, but 20% run speed increase (even though it's more as far as I remember) is well worth the 90g due to the reduction in travel time causing you to reach 60 faster, I think by 50 Torka will have a mount if he doesn't already :p

Koffee 14th February 2005 00:11

I'm lvl 40 and have 20g :*(..

I'll never get a mount..

Evoke 14th February 2005 00:17


Originally posted by Koffee
I'm lvl 40 and have 20g :*(..

I'll never get a mount..

I'm level 48 and I have 89 copper

Phantom 14th February 2005 08:47


Originally posted by Spink
no you can't summon a mount in combat, but 20% run speed increase (even though it's more as far as I remember) is well worth the 90g due to the reduction in travel time causing you to reach 60 faster, I think by 50 Torka will have a mount if he doesn't already :p
I got this object for completing The Star, the Hand and the Heart quest (from IF) the otherday that I can use in combat and gives me temporary 60% faster run speed (same as a horse). Worth looking at? It's a good wee quest, if a bit of a run about. 8000 or so xp as well.

RedeviL 14th February 2005 09:27

Reward is Skull of Impending Doom.

Tried the quest and gave up, effort for reward wasn't quite worth it imo.

The negatives to the run speed made me decide it was better to die than run for it. By the time you decide to run, your health and or mana is already low / gone.

ZoSo 14th February 2005 09:53


Originally posted by Koffee
I'm lvl 40 and have 20g :*(..

I'll never get a mount..

Get a loan from higher lvl guild mates. I was loaned 15g and got my mount as soon as I hit 40 and paid back the 15g back before I hit 41.

Oh and ignore Torka :) It's not just about the speed.. It's avoiding most things as you go riding through them, rather than zig-zagging through everything on foot! Bloody handy.

Koffee 14th February 2005 10:02


Originally posted by Evoke
I'm level 48 and I have 89 copper
And no mount?.. Ok I don't have it that bad then :P

ZoSo, yeah that is probably the best way - I've been in a few guilds but they were all full of immature wankers* - Pirates of Booty Bay anyone?

*no offense to those of you who are in it and aren't wankers :P

BadNova 14th February 2005 10:08

After ages of struggling along with no cash I started selling my worthelss shit at the AH, I'm lvl 22 now and earned 8 gold by selling fish :D

plaz0r 14th February 2005 10:19


Originally posted by Koffee
I'm lvl 40 and have 20g :*(..

I'll never get a mount..

I'm level 42 and I made my flatmate give me money :P

But seriously .. go to the Badlands and kill shit there .. I wasn't having much trouble coming out with 5 gold worth of crap I could vendor after running around stabbing things for an hour or two.

Mmm .. crisp basalisk urethras.

Koffee 14th February 2005 11:05


Originally posted by plaz0r
I'm level 42 and I made my flatmate give me money :P

But seriously .. go to the Badlands and kill shit there .. I wasn't having much trouble coming out with 5 gold worth of crap I could vendor after running around stabbing things for an hour or two.

Mmm .. crisp basalisk urethras.

or gorilla intestines.. mmmm

Anyway.. I was over at gadgetzen, the scorpids over there give me scorpid scale - but I've never been to the badlands before so I'll give that a go.

Baal 14th February 2005 12:26

At 40 I had enough for a mount and almost all of my spells (someone loaned me a few gold that I paid back very quickly).

It's not like I scrimped either, kept all my gear up to date and tradeskills as well (mostly).

Griven 23rd February 2005 00:41

Best trick i can offer, is dont level to 60 too fast. Enjoy the trip from 1-60 its great and alot of fun. At 60 you'll just get bored after doing the same 3 instances till your eyes bleed and getting locked out of a MC/Onyxia raid for the 5th time. WoW the game that easy to level in but has no end game brilliant design sometime in the 3rd 1/4 of 2010 blizzard should be ready to release a content patch !

Koffee 23rd February 2005 09:42

How do you have an endgame in a MMORPG? :)

Caesar 19th March 2005 14:43


Originally posted by Koffee
How do you have an endgame in a MMORPG? :)
Well, you would have reached max lvl ( duh ), got ALL the best equipment available.
Have completed all instances and related quests.
Have killed off ALL the top lvl raid/dungeon mobs.
Also maxed out your relavent professions that you have taken up.

IF you want _complete_ and total MMORPG endgame then you will do all the above with each and every charater and class:D
And master all professions availalbe.

Now that is what I would define as complete MMO endgame.

Of course that would only be endgame untill the new content is added then you have to add that to the list and since new content is always going to be added ( usually ) then there is never a endgame;)


DrTiTus 26th May 2005 17:16

Do not try the crack.

WoW rots your brain.

Epox 18th June 2005 13:17

Engineering - Fools pay top dollar for something called Fused Wiring, Fused Wiring can be found inside expired target dummies once they explode your looking at about 2-3 gold per wire.

Ard Righ 4th August 2005 12:48

Question: What is a good price to sell herbs and leather for at the AH ? I have been getting stacks of earthroot and other such low level herbs around IF, and will start getting skins also.

I've been told stacks of earthroot are required for a certain quest ? stacks of 5 earthroot at a time?
How much Silver would that sell at AH ?

I'm also collecting some cloth to give to the people at IF (not sure what that gets me other than increased reputation?), and will get leather from skinning once I remember to buy a skinning knife :o

Help to make money much needed. Training Priest spells ramps up quite quickly in Silver coins!

Baal 4th August 2005 12:55


Originally posted by Ard Righ
Question: What is a good price to sell herbs and leather for at the AH ? I have been getting stacks of earthroot and other such low level herbs around IF, and will start getting skins also.


Ard Righ 4th August 2005 13:22


Originally posted by Baal


Hehe I think that's in the updated IX UI mod I installed. Will have to test it out in IF and see how I get on :)

Would be nice to see some screenshots of people's in-game UIs, just for ideas on how to configure mine.

Also, is the issue with the AA-graphics fixed in 1.6 ? Do we still need to disable 'screen bloom' and set AA via the nvidia driver control panel ? Does the graphics option of multisampling in WoW actually do much ?

Yoda 4th August 2005 13:41


Originally posted by Ard Righ
I'm also collecting some cloth to give to the people at IF (not sure what that gets me other than increased reputation?), and will get leather from skinning once I remember to buy a skinning knife :o

Cloth = bandages = silly to not level first aid! :)

And auctioneer rocks. /auctioneer broker and /auctioneer bidbroker: easy means to make money while idling at the AH.

BadNova 4th August 2005 14:27


Originally posted by Ard Righ
I'm also collecting some cloth to give to the people at IF (not sure what that gets me other than increased reputation?), and will get leather from skinning once I remember to buy a skinning knife :o
Most people go for reputation with another faction so that they can buy that faction's mount. Not something you really need to worry about just yet. :D

OY636 4th August 2005 15:09

or get faction with your own race as that makes for extra cheap epic

Spink 4th August 2005 18:06


Originally posted by Ard Righ
Would be nice to see some screenshots of people's in-game UIs, just for ideas on how to configure mine.

Ard Righ 4th August 2005 18:15


Originally posted by Spink
Which pack do you use ?

Spink 4th August 2005 19:26

Not one pack really, it's kind of a mishmash of select stuff.

What parts do you like?

Caesar 4th August 2005 20:08

Is there a mod that lests you use the Fkeys for box's to drop and drag shit to like the number keys?


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