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Lightspeed 29th March 2010 18:00


Originally Posted by lektronimo
Watched American Psycho again... That's a film for people who like to talk about films. Just amazing (haven't read the book tho) _b

Yeah, absolutely brilliant.

lektronimo 29th March 2010 20:59


Originally Posted by xpandnz
It still confuses me to death. Apparently the book is much better for the story and what really happens.

Still a great flick, have seen many times.

Watch the ending with the director's commentary for a better explanation. It cleared a few things up for me.

IceFox 29th March 2010 23:05

Crazy ass day

Day starts off with meeting with directors and all stores. Get told the boss is selling the company, copier side to Sharp New Zealand, I.T side to Elite. Glad to still have a job!!! So I am now employed by Sharp!

Perks are brand new free use car, flash ass new store with everything sharp makes in it! Medical insurance 80%! Free use phones, fucking cheap Sharp products! We are rated best reseller and service company in NZ for sharp, so they wanted us copier techs to stay real bad, so lots of bonus's!

Cons are now I am working for a corporate company, only 30 mins for lunch!!

Jenza 29th March 2010 23:09

Deadly Prey.

One of the worst movies I've ever seen, was absolutely hillarious.

doppelgänger of someone 29th March 2010 23:10

sounds like a boring movie, especially the 30 mins lunch part

Mokoro 29th March 2010 23:41

I think it could have some potential

crocos 29th March 2010 23:45

The Lawnmower Man / The Wicker Man / The Copier Tech _b

dylan 29th March 2010 23:58


Originally Posted by doppelgänger of someone
sounds like a boring movie, especially the 30 mins lunch part


Ajax 30th March 2010 00:05


Originally Posted by lektronimo
Watched American Psycho again... That's a film for people who like to talk about films. Just amazing (haven't read the book tho) _b

The book is incredibly grim, and reading it threw me into a deep existential depression (induced more by the endless superficiality than the muders etc). The film is almost light-hearted and whimsical by comparison - much different in tone.

HughMann 30th March 2010 00:57

Don't know if anyone has recommended Defendor yet, but I give it _b _b two thumbs up. Pretty cool movie. Kinda offbeat, funny, thought provoking, sad and inspirational all at the same time.

Ab 30th March 2010 03:05

I watched 2012 the other night. It was shit but fun.

Pepsi 2nd April 2010 23:50

I finally got around to watching the fantastic Mr Fox.. loved it _b

wugambino 3rd April 2010 07:44


Originally Posted by Pepsi
I finally got around to watching the fantastic Mr Fox.. loved it _b

my son loved the book and wanted to go and see the movie, about 30 mins in

' dad, this sucks can we go'

I told him to remember this when tempted to see any adaptation of a book he likes :)

Rince 3rd April 2010 10:11

need suggestions of movies for the purpose of introducing the action/horror genres to a 12y.o. girl.

We thought Gremlins would be good: no, "too boring".
We thought the original "Die Hard" - no, "too boring".
True Lies was a success, even though there were a few scenes she had to cover up her eyes because she had no faith in Arnie saving the day.....

So the problem is she wants to watch some of these movies, but she is either too scared, or too bored..... bah!

any suggestions?

Erazhure 3rd April 2010 10:20

do you wanna be remembered for "blowing her mind" or just slowly introducing her to these things?

ill never forget "return of the living dead" or "poltergeist" thanx to my baby-sitting cousin.
i didnt sleep for 2 days... and i was nowhere near 12. :(

Fx. 3rd April 2010 10:42

i watched demons at like 10
i dont recommend this.

Rince 3rd April 2010 11:28


Originally Posted by Erazhure
"return of the living dead"

we were thinking maybe more of "Shawn of the Dead" ;)

A Corpse 3rd April 2010 11:58

House, the movies, not the TV show. Fond memories. :D

Ars vitae 3rd April 2010 12:07


Originally Posted by A Corpse
House, the movies, not the TV show. Fond memories. :D

I could never take the first one seriously, when I kept expecting William Katt, to undo his shirt and "The Suit" would help him kick zombie arse.

Lightspeed 3rd April 2010 12:17


Originally Posted by Fx.
i watched demons at like 10
i dont recommend this.

I watched Demons 2 around the same age. It definitely did me no favours.

lektronimo 3rd April 2010 13:38


Originally Posted by Ab
I watched 2012 the other night. It was shit.

Fixed. Seriously though, how is it that movies like this are still being made today? There is no sense of drama right from the start because of a predictable POS script.

Beginning of the movie: Character A discovers that something is wrong, and it's being covered up by the evil government. Character A needs to convince everyone that he is right, while at the same time everyone else thinks that he's shit. He is required to look for his loved the ones in the process, who incidentally, also think that he is full of shit.
Middle of the movie: Turns out that character A was right all along, and thankfully he has had a head start, along with spare time to save/pick up his loved ones.
Character A: still running away from a)disaster b)aliens c)sci-fi cliche from last 30 years of cinema.
Ending: Lost love rekindled, hero ending and a bunch of fucking Americans clapping.

Bonus: give character A superhuman ability when driving, diving, dodging stuff, and fixing things at worst possible moments.

*For movie references, see any $US150M budget movie (Transformers, Transformers 2, 2012, Volcano, Dante's Peak...)

cryocore 3rd April 2010 13:57


Originally Posted by Rince
need suggestions of movies for the purpose of introducing the action/horror genres to a 12y.o. girl.

We thought Gremlins would be good: no, "too boring".
We thought the original "Die Hard" - no, "too boring".
True Lies was a success, even though there were a few scenes she had to cover up her eyes because she had no faith in Arnie saving the day.....

So the problem is she wants to watch some of these movies, but she is either too scared, or too bored..... bah!

any suggestions?

Well my first horror film was Suspiria (at about 6 or 7) and it got me addicted, but I'm not sure that would appeal to the younger set these days.

I would recommend

Rated PG-13 (at initial US/UK release or up to M here in NZ)

Hot Fuzz
Drag Me To Hell
Army of Darkness
The Lost Boys
The Frightners
Shaun of the Dead
Black Sheep

Rated M to R16 (but I'd consider these to be "non emotionally scarring")
Trick R' Treat
Idle Hands
Final Destination
Dead Birds
Ginger Snaps
Evil Dead 2
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
The Faculty
Dance of the Dead
Return of the Living Dead
The Mist
Jeepers Creepers
From Within
Sorority Row

Ab 4th April 2010 02:32

Watched "Inglourious Basterds" this evening. I love everything by Tarantino, but my reaction to this movie was along the lines of


He just owned the movie from the first scene. Owned it.

herp 4th April 2010 02:53


Originally Posted by Ab
He just owned the movie from the first scene. Owned it.

This guy?

TB 4th April 2010 06:08

I just saw it as well.

1. Jew Hunter was awesome.
2. To long, as in it could have been 25mins. Seriously, almost nothing happened, one of the main characters nodded for half the fucking movie.
3. Why the hell was there comedic relief?
4. Samuel L Jackson, why? Oh for the love of god why?
5. If they took out everything to do with the Americans.... including Jackson, it would have been brilliant.

Just saw the Hurt Locker also. Talk about Meh. Someone sucked a lot of cocks for that to win an Oscar.

wugambino 4th April 2010 08:06

yeha I thought the hurt locker was pretty average to

Rom 4th April 2010 11:09


Originally Posted by Rince
need suggestions of movies for the purpose of introducing the action/horror genres to a 12y.o. girl.

Had the same problem with my partner's daughter and cousins and gave up in the end.

I love movies that require you to use your own imagination to fill in the blanks which helps to increase the tension to scare you. Unfortunately teenagers these days tend to leave their imaginations at the door, everything needs to be spelled out for them and it has to have lots of blood and guts to be scary.

cryocore's list brings up memories.

I remember my partner and I thinking the Lost Boys would be cool so played it for a bunch of teenagers and they got bored. Also tried Silence of the Lambs. Nope. I guess what we loved as kids just doesn't hack it these days.

One suggestion would be The Descent. It wasn't half bad.

lektronimo 4th April 2010 11:31


Originally Posted by Rom
I love movies that require you to use your own imagination to fill in the blanks which helps to increase the tension to scare you. Unfortunately teenagers these days tend to leave their imaginations at the door, everything needs to be spelled out for them and it has to have lots of blood and guts to be scary.

Let the Right One In. Other one is Sauna.

StN 4th April 2010 13:20


Originally Posted by Ab
Watched "Inglourious Basterds" this evening. I love everything by Tarantino, but my reaction to this movie was along the lines of


Martin Wuttke?

Nah - this chap has a shiney gold man on his mantle now.

Watched Moon again - it could almost co-exist as a precusor to the Blade Runner universe - the news items at the end indicated that clones in industry are a controversial new thing, and he did return to Earth to testify.

Caesar 4th April 2010 15:18

I saw The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus recently.
And I knew it was going to be odd coming from Terry G but, meh.
Not quite what I thought, 5/10.

Trigger 4th April 2010 15:30


Originally Posted by herp
This guy?

That is a very nice suit he is wearing _b

Cynos 4th April 2010 20:33


Originally Posted by Caesar
I saw The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus recently.
And I knew it was going to be odd coming from Terry G but, meh.
Not quite what I thought, 5/10.

Yeah, still can't figure out the ending on that thing, and then when I saw the bit in the credits about it being a "film by Heath Ledger and friends" I realised that the ending was pretty much self-indulgent actor wank and that I was wasting brain cycles.

Saw THX-1138 today. Not bad at all, but a little pretentious at times.

Ab 6th April 2010 00:43

Watched "Wolverine" over the weekend.


dylan 6th April 2010 01:22

It's definitely been mentioned in other threads, and possibly this one as well, but again I watched King of Kong tonight, and enjoyed it just as much as the first time around.

Kudos to Billy Mitchell for showing that villains are stereotyped for a reason!

Erazhure 6th April 2010 08:07

im not even a Jim Carrey fan, but "Yes man" just continues to crack me up.

Zooey is smokin' too.

Pepsi 6th April 2010 10:02


Originally Posted by Rince
need suggestions of movies for the purpose of introducing the action/horror genres to a 12y.o. girl.

At that age (actually earlier).. I enjoyed Toxic Avenger. My first horror at around 8 was The incredible melting man. I suspect these wouldn't be cool enough for a 12 year old these days though..

Young girls these days would probably be into vampire movies wouldn't they?

JiggaRoll 6th April 2010 10:27


Originally Posted by Pepsi
At that age (actually earlier).. I enjoyed Toxic Avenger.

Haha, I've got a signed copy of that somewhere. It was my favourite movie for a while when I was a kid.

Deadmeat 6th April 2010 15:52

My pick of cry's list above would be Aliens, i remember my younger sister laughing her way through that with me when she was about that age.

The 3 "The Girl with/who" movies are all enjoyable as was Let the Right One In, can't say I ever expected to watch 4 swedish movies in a month but i'm glad I did.

[BT]Monza 6th April 2010 22:26

Stumbled across this movie called Pontypool while browsing Wikipedia (a language born virus could be a nod towards the book "Snow Crash"), anyone here seen it? Plot reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode... RT gives it 82%.

fidgit 6th April 2010 22:50


Originally Posted by [BT]Monza
Stumbled across this movie called Pontypool while browsing Wikipedia (a language born virus could be a nod towards the book "Snow Crash"), anyone here seen it? Plot reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode... RT gives it 82%.

Also like an issue of Global Frequency.

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