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Pepsi 27th March 2020 14:34

Oh shit, sorry to hear it, Ab :(

MadMax 27th March 2020 14:55


Nich 27th March 2020 15:14

One door closes, another opens. You'll be OK Ab, you're an internet native who knows how to communicate through written word (most of the workforce fails at this)

If it's any consolation, today I lost my salary job I applied for in January. They are in commercial AV workplace fitouts, and that industry may never recover once everyone figures out distributed work.

Stay as a small boat in a big choppy sea. No where is safe.

StN 27th March 2020 15:18

Stay strong Ab - bugger that both you and Princess have been hit.

I thought I was hard done by not getting my at-risk pay. Then I find out the helpdesk is getting a flurry of Remove User requests.

Lightspeed 27th March 2020 15:36

Has anyone figured out how supermarkets are supposed to work yet?

I don't get how all of a sudden all food comes from a reduced set of sources, while those sources reduce throughput to limit human contact and limit purchasing to combat "panic buying" (aka buying in bulk to reduce trips to the supermarket).

You want to find a supermarket is Auckland right now, just open Google Maps and find a red line.

Nich 27th March 2020 15:48


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2010560)
Has anyone figured out how supermarkets are supposed to work yet?

I don't get how all of a sudden all food comes from a reduced set of sources, while those sources reduce throughput to limit human contact and limit purchasing to combat "panic buying" (aka buying in bulk to reduce trips to the supermarket).

You want to find a supermarket is Auckland right now, just open Google Maps and find a red line.

Cloud Kitchens, and Cloud super markets.

Cloud kitchens cook food only for delivery
Cloud super markets store supermarket stuff only for delivery

Of course, both of these things don't quite exist in this pure form. But they soon will.

Know me. 27th March 2020 16:09

Bugger mate.

Lightspeed 27th March 2020 17:46

I'm hoping the local dairy can bring in some fresh fruit and vege, maybe even some frozen protein. I should be able to avoid the supermarket that way, at least until some intelligence has gone into how the whole situation is going to work.

I wish someone would do the maths, figure out how many more meals per day are going to be coming out of NZ supermarkets in the immediate future.

All those food delivery trucks that must be sitting idle while everyone drives themselves to the supermarket.

Lightspeed 27th March 2020 17:47


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2010555)
I just got notice. Clearing out my desk as we speak.

Sorry bruv.

Trigga*happY 27th March 2020 18:10

So can someone tell me why epidemiology looks at total cases vs deaths, rather than recovered vs deaths?

To me it seems a results based metric is more useful than a "well maybe these ones might survive" metric?

Know me. 27th March 2020 18:37


Originally Posted by Trigga*happY (Post 2010565)
So can someone tell me why epidemiology looks at total cases vs deaths, rather than recovered vs deaths?

To me it seems a results based metric is more useful than a "well maybe these ones might survive" metric?

What are my chances doc?

xor 27th March 2020 19:38


Originally Posted by Nich (Post 2010558)
Stay as a small boat in a big choppy sea. No where is safe.

It's cold comfort but we're all in the same boat. Sorry to hear about the job, Ab. :/

Ajax 27th March 2020 19:41


Originally Posted by Trigga*happY (Post 2010565)
So can someone tell me why epidemiology looks at total cases vs deaths, rather than recovered vs deaths?

To me it seems a results based metric is more useful than a "well maybe these ones might survive" metric?

In my opinion only closed cases should be considered in fatality rates because the number of ‘active cases’ is based on tests performed and is therefore totally unreliable in representing true infection numbers. So, fatality rates should be calculated this way:

Totals deaths / total deaths + total recoveries *100

Trigga*happY 27th March 2020 19:57

Yeah, that's the math of been using. WHO are too scared to declare a pandemic when the world already knows it. I doubt they're going to come outright and say - well actually... going by the numbers, 16% of you who get it are LIKELY to die!

pxpx 27th March 2020 20:00


Originally Posted by Trigga*happY (Post 2010569)
WHO are too scared to declare a pandemic when the world already knows it.

But I take the point, the WHO are pretty piss-poor at a lot of things. Like spending time on debating whether we should call it Social Distancing or Physical Distancing.

Lightspeed 27th March 2020 20:33

Reading the article, it seems semantics is a part of what the WHO is about. I guess it's just habit making sure they say shit right.

Lightspeed 27th March 2020 20:36

I have some sympathy for the organisation. They have the fraught task of telling the world uncomfortable truths in a way we can hear it, taking the blame when we can't.

xor 28th March 2020 00:28


Originally Posted by Dr Tedros
"We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.

Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit"-

I dunno, they sound like a bunch of turkeys to me

Lightspeed 28th March 2020 00:39

The bulk of the WHO's funding comes from "voluntary contributions", i.e. not guaranteed in any way. So there's a tension between its mission and maintaining funding. Hence my sympathy.

fixed_truth 28th March 2020 09:43

Boris Johnson tested positive for nCoV (gif)

Know me. 28th March 2020 10:32

Its so quiet outside, everyone deserves a sleep in I guess. Every contractor I know has been let go. Does anyone know the process to get assistance for contractors in NZ? I have been working my arse off this week making sure our customers can work remotely.

DOW finished well up on the week but a big selloff in the last 30 minutes meant that Friday was down. No one wants to hold for the weekend. I finally pulled the trigger about an hour ago. Out of the money options, DOW 19000 PUT expire April 20.

fixed_truth 28th March 2020 11:07


The way people get payed out had been simplified where that everyone that usually work 20+ hours gets $585 and everyone less than 20 hours gets $350. Which saves a lot in adminstration & auditing costs but does have some irregularities. Eg those at the bottom of the thresholds get the same as the top ie 3hrs & 18hrs get the same & 25hrs same as 40hrs. Also a lot of lower waged people working 20 - 25hrs will be better off.

Know me. 28th March 2020 11:19


Nich 28th March 2020 13:59

it's quite sickening to witness how many people have zero savings. In Aus, we're a week into what is not even a full lockdown (offices still operated, many construction sites wrapping up, but still active), and we already have street protests in Sydney of people saying the government needs to give everyone a rent / mortgage freeze. The intensity of these protests will no doubt grow over the next 6 months.

If we do get economy-wide freeze, I guarantee that those that have saved for a rainy day will not come out better off, and those that continue to operate at profit will be punished.

I don't know how a million dollars a second in credit and liquidity doesn't end in hyperinflation and a jump to a new monetary system as the old system is flown into the side of a mountain.

The new monetary system will not be built from a position of strength for the everyman. No, we will be desperate as our savings buy less and less, we're all jobless, and we stay the fuck away from financial markets and any speculation.

We will demand UBI be introduced, and then will we have the strength left as a population to fight for fair terms for that UBI. I feel we'll sign up for that welfare no matter the sacrifice in privacy or freedom.

Know me. 28th March 2020 14:47


Originally Posted by Nich (Post 2010579)

I don't know how a million dollars a second in credit and liquidity doesn't end in hyperinflation and a jump to a new monetary system as the old system is flown into the side of a mountain.

I've been trying to figure out how all the money printing wont lead to inflation. No ones talking about it and its assumed that it wont happen because it all worked out just fine in the GFC. I have seen people suggesting issuing 50 year bonds, talk about kicking the can down the road.

If the dollar does blow up and the American empire with it, I'm not so sure that it will work out the way you are talking. It will be replaced by something else.

....or perhaps you are right, they already have UBI.

fixed_truth 28th March 2020 17:25


Originally Posted by fixed_truth (Post 2010577)
The way people get payed out had been simplified where that everyone that usually work 20+ hours gets $585 and everyone less than 20 hours gets $350. Which saves a lot in adminstration & auditing costs but does have some irregularities.

Grant Robertson clarifies apparent loophole in COVID-19 wage subsidy scheme update

Lightspeed 28th March 2020 17:26

If there's a silver lining from this whole business, it's the conundrum anti-vaccers are going to face when there's a vaccine available.

Native 28th March 2020 19:46


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2010582)
If there's a silver lining from this whole business, it's the conundrum anti-vaccers are going to face when there's a vaccine available.


Cyberbob 28th March 2020 22:08


Originally Posted by Nich (Post 2010579)
it's quite sickening to witness how many people have zero savings.

I'm fully aware a huge portion of the population are basically running pay cheque to pay cheque.

What I'm surprised about are the number of businesses, small "mom and pop" shops all the way up to multi-national enterprises, that are also running invoice cycle to invoice cycle.

It speaks to the fragility of the current economy, more than anything else.

crocos 29th March 2020 00:52

It's an economy designed for the upper class, not the middle-class. This does not surprise me at all, having been one of those people running along that red-line.

MadMax 29th March 2020 00:54

If you get infected at work due to not being provided adequate ppe would your employer be fined?

Lightspeed 29th March 2020 01:39

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates - TED 2015

We've not completely clueless, but there's too much bullshit in our politics. That's what we'll see now: a strong correlation between political bullshit and the level of disruption this virus causes.

Ab 29th March 2020 02:54


Originally Posted by Pepsi (Post 2010556)
Oh shit, sorry to hear it, Ab :(

Thanks Pepsi and everyone else. That's what one gets for working for an SME owned by a narcissist who sees the collapse of society as a great way of increasing his personal wealth. My bad.

For the immediate future I'm going to be networking like a motherfucker and trying to find some way of putting food on the table. Look after the people close to you, and stay safe.

Nich 29th March 2020 11:30

I was looking forward to some Hell Difficulty Baal runs in the infinite time offered by unemployment. But i suppose you're right, back into fray to hustle... sigh

Ab 30th March 2020 01:26

I'm not going to lie or try and macho this out - I'm scared. In the space of a few weeks my concerns have gone from "yeah I'll spend a bit more and get the nice soy milk" to "try and stave off homelessness for as long as possible".

DrTiTus 30th March 2020 12:34

If you wear headphones and listen to this sound it will kill coronavirus

Nich 30th March 2020 12:36

Agreed, every aspect of this is terrifying.

It is scary that the hoarding now means supermarkets put in a 1 of each item rule for all. Now people who should be sheltering in place need to visit supermarkets more often increasing their risk exposure, and community exposure.

It is scary that we already have shortages of fresh food in cities. annnnd food supply workers are getting the virus, which shuts the whole farm down due to associated people also needing to isolate:
(Bill Burr is right, chickens will still lay eggs, but with no one around to collect)

It is scary that all those apartment buildings in our cities are wafting shared air and aerosol faeces throughout, creating thousands more Diamond Princess situations.

Add the amplifying factor of unemployment, boredom, nihilism.

And then a kick in the teeth as Amazon asks for a "donation" to their "important" warehouse workers, and Boeing is literally too important to let fail so it negotiates the bail out on its own terms.

Robyn and I were already reassessing our affairs after the bushfires (cancelling Netflix, cooking at home, growing veges) But short of being 100% off-grid, retired, and growing one's own food I have no idea how anyone can make it through this.

StN 30th March 2020 13:57

Not sure if it's cabin fever frustration, or just school holiday larrikinism, but on my walk at 06:00 this morning, I came across a soak hose strewn across the road - oh well, maybe a car collected it and dragged it there as it backed out. Then another down the foot path. And a "For Sale" placard and supporting woodwork ripped out of a lawn and tossed on the road. And at the last section in this subdivision to finally be built on, a horizontal portaloo.

This is just the beginning.

I've heard that Air traffic is down to 5% of the usual activity - which makes sense with everything shut down. For a business that models it's pricing around a fixed amount of expected business, it goes without saying that times will be tough for a while yet. I don't see our tourism industry or even domestic traffic picking up anytime soon after the lockdown is lifted. If anything, we have proven that working virtually is good enough, who needs face to face?

We all thought flying cars and drones would be the disrupter - not something we can't even see.

MadMax 30th March 2020 16:07

Stage 1: release virus and crash world markets
Stage 2: buy/mop up the world
Stage 3: profit

Lightspeed 30th March 2020 18:07


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2010590)
I'm not going to lie or try and macho this out - I'm scared. In the space of a few weeks my concerns have gone from "yeah I'll spend a bit more and get the nice soy milk" to "try and stave off homelessness for as long as possible".

Shit man, that's a harsh place to be. Seems like anything I could say is pretty useless.

I had a flatmate move out with no notice to be with family, I'm counting on my landlord's complacency to get me through.

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