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DrTiTus 2nd October 2022 14:31


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2023576)
your people


Originally Posted by _indigo1
you people

I am not part of any group. I just disagree with some of the things you say, and tend not to believe everything at face value. I like my news like I like my science - not coming from the government and people who have a dog in the fight. But making my own mind up about how I see the world doesn't put me into some homogeneous group where we all just believe the same shit.

To which group do you think I belong? The group of people who don't think the same as you? Or is there some other group of which I am a member without realizing it?

Why focus on me when I just provided a link with research from Stanford University that shows that what I say is based on fact? Are you more interested in the message, or shooting the messenger?

If you need help, you can call the DrTiTus - Mental Health Hotline. There is currently a 9 minute wait for your call to be answered, but do enjoy the hold music.

_indigo1 2nd October 2022 14:40

Way to dodge the substance of my reply.
Good work.


the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.

Ab 2nd October 2022 14:57

DrTiTus 2nd October 2022 15:01


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2023577)
The only thing that is relevant is that Russia has invaded another sovereign country and as if that were not bad enough, has committed major war crimes in the process.

Even if Ukraine was a country full of racist fascist baby killing nazi's, it would be irrelevant because it doesn't negate the above fact.

I think it's important to also consider /why/ Russia has taken the action it has. Maybe there's more to it than just "invasion = bad, mmmkay".

Do you hold the US responsible for all its coups and regime changes that it exerts on "sovereign nations"? Do you think they are reprehensible for doing so? Do you accept they did just this in 2014 in Ukraine? At what point is Russia allowed to defend its own interests, which is what the US is doing when it goes all around the world doing this shit?

If the US [government] is asshole, and the US is responsible for this situation - which I believe they are based on their interference in 2014 - why are you taking their side? They interfere in sovereign nations - they commit war crimes. So why are you cheering them on? This isn't even Ukraine fighting anymore. This is the US at war with Russia, on Ukrainian soil, using Ukrainian troops (and their own, but as independent contractors to avoid an official war). That's the part I think you're confusing. It's not a simple situation. You've boiled it down to "omg invasion", but Russia doesn't just go to war for shits and giggles. Explain why YOU think Putin has invaded, if you can.

Why are you not promoting peace and negotiations instead of being all like "yeah, stick it to Putin! Kill the Russian civilians who had no say in this! Bring on nuclear war!"

_indigo1 2nd October 2022 15:21

Straight back to #whataboutism

Please provide said quote where I was

being all like "yeah, stick it to Putin! Kill the Russian civilians who had no say in this! Bring on nuclear war!"

Lightspeed 2nd October 2022 15:35


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023581)
Maybe there's more to it than just "invasion = bad, mmmkay".

Yeah, we all know that. I get the folks at home are stumped by such suggestions, whoever they might be.

DrTiTus 2nd October 2022 15:50


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2023582)
Straight back to #whataboutism

Bro, I gave you a response. You made a statement that was hypocritical. You're suggesting that any nation which interferes with another nation is not worthy of your support and deserves... something? I'm not sure what. But you're supporting the side that does just that, and did just that in the specific country which is now being fought over. If a nation that interferes with nations and commits war crimes does not get your support, why are you supporting one now? You should ideally be just taking an anti-war stance, recognizing that both sides are interfering in other countries and saying "hey, maybe this whole situation is fucking stupid?"

And I said "like" because that's the attitude you're adopting by being strictly anti-Russian. I used speech marks to indicate a kind of popular narrative that I see repeated a lot - if I wanted to quote you, I'd use <quote>.

Ajax 2nd October 2022 16:32


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023581)
Explain why YOU think Putin has invaded, if you can.

Read his essay from last year - he pretty much lays it all out.

(Warning contains extensive historical revisionism)

_indigo1 2nd October 2022 16:45


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023584)
Bro, I gave you a response. You made a statement that was hypocritical. You're suggesting that any nation which interferes with another nation is not worthy of your support and deserves... something? I'm not sure what. But you're supporting the side that does just that, and did just that in the specific country which is now being fought over. If a nation that interferes with nations and commits war crimes does not get your support, why are you supporting one now? You should ideally be just taking an anti-war stance, recognizing that both sides are interfering in other countries and saying "hey, maybe this whole situation is fucking stupid?"

And I said "like" because that's the attitude you're adopting by being strictly anti-Russian. I used speech marks to indicate a kind of popular narrative that I see repeated a lot - if I wanted to quote you, I'd use <quote>.

You are making all of this up (all these supposed things I support or don't support). You are pissing into the wind my friend.

I never laid down any such support for any country. Again, please quote where this came from.

Re-read what I posted. I condemned actions.
Nowhere did I mention carte-blanche support for any country. Be it west or east.
For someone who goes on and on about things being more than black and white, you sure seem to be seeing in monochrome.

Lightspeed 2nd October 2022 16:49


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2023586)
You are making all of this up (all these supposed things I support or don't support).

I don't think it's made up. I think in their effort to not be fooled by the mainstream, they're being fooled by someone who left out bait to catch fools.

Then they strut along here, fat with the bait they've gobbled up "You believe such dumb stuff! I'm so much better than you!".


Ajax 3rd October 2022 07:44

Multiple reports this morning that sections of the Russian line in the Kherson area are collapsing.

fixed_truth 3rd October 2022 08:36

Almost time for a snap “referendum”

Trigga*happY 3rd October 2022 11:31


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023584)
Bro, I gave you a response. You made a statement that was hypocritical. You're suggesting that any nation which interferes with another nation is not worthy of your support and deserves... something? I'm not sure what. But you're supporting the side that does just that, and did just that in the specific country which is now being fought over. If a nation that interferes with nations and commits war crimes does not get your support, why are you supporting one now? You should ideally be just taking an anti-war stance, recognizing that both sides are interfering in other countries and saying "hey, maybe this whole situation is fucking stupid?"

And I said "like" because that's the attitude you're adopting by being strictly anti-Russian. I used speech marks to indicate a kind of popular narrative that I see repeated a lot - if I wanted to quote you, I'd use <quote>.

I think the disconnect lies in the repercussions of support. Adopting an 'anti-war' stance at this point, is to consign Ukraine to Russian occupation. Supporting Ukraine doesn't immediately suggest support of US or US led operations, it supports one country not crossing borders and fucking up anothers citizens and infrastructure.

While there is certainly a proxy war going on here between Moscow and the west, the surface war of Russia invading Ukraine is much more important to many. You can certainly support the latter without supporting the former even though they are so closely tied together now.

DrTiTus 4th October 2022 23:32

Are we all in agreement that the US blew up the pipeline?

Or is there still speculation that Putin did it himself, and is now working to repair it himself, just for something to do?

Lightspeed 4th October 2022 23:36

It's all just speculation from what I can tell.

Cyberbob 5th October 2022 08:18


Originally Posted by Trigga*happY (Post 2023598)
Adopting an 'anti-war' stance at this point, is to consign Ukraine to Russian occupation.

That's a key point there actually. I've found myself in water cooler conversations with quite a few people that declare themselves as anti-war.

This comes in two flavours.

I'm Anti-War so when one nation invades another and tries to start one, we should be doing all we can to push them back.

I'm Anti-War so let Russia and Ukraine do whatever they want and don't get involved.

I'm personally firmly in the "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" camp.

Now I'm not saying I'm volunteering to go over, but I certainly don't see Russia and Ukraine on equal footing. One invaded the other. There is clearly a "bad guy" here.

Trigga*happY 5th October 2022 09:48


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023705)
Are we all in agreement that the US blew up the pipeline?

Or is there still speculation that Putin did it himself, and is now working to repair it himself, just for something to do?

That's a pretty extreme simplification of the situation, there are multiple pro's and multiple con's for multiple countries to have targeted the pipeline. Saying "well russia's fixing it, so why would they destroy it," is to ignore the very fact that Putin is singlehandedly dismantling decades of economic growth in the pursuit of a reunified russia.

Putin could easily be playing both the EU and his own population by executing and denying this act. EU populations may lose the will to support their governments support of Ukraine over a long cold winter with exorbitant energy prices, while Russian civilians will lose income and Putin can blame their suffering on EU, galvanising some of the population that may be leaning towards the "is this worth it?" camp.

England (or other EU countries) could benefit politically by blaming Putin and not having to justify harsh energy prices on a political decision, but rather on an infrastructural deficit caused by Russia.

US would be the least to suffer from this action, however they also have the least reason to execute it in the first place as the sanctions are in place and are only getting stronger. It could be a long play, based on the assumption that some or all of europe MIGHT relinquish sanctions if energy/gas prices get too high. BUT that's a pretty big risk to take. If caught they risk alienating most of the EU and risk destabilising NATO who is stronger (cohesively) than they have been in a very long time.

Trigga*happY 5th October 2022 09:56


Originally Posted by Cyberbob (Post 2023716)
That's a key point there actually. I've found myself in water cooler conversations with quite a few people that declare themselves as anti-war.

This comes in two flavours.

I'm Anti-War so when one nation invades another and tries to start one, we should be doing all we can to push them back.

I'm Anti-War so let Russia and Ukraine do whatever they want and don't get involved.

I'm personally firmly in the "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" camp.

Now I'm not saying I'm volunteering to go over, but I certainly don't see Russia and Ukraine on equal footing. One invaded the other. There is clearly a "bad guy" here.

Heh, I just called DrT on overly simplifying, however that is precisely where I fall too. Yes I recognise that Ukraine has a terrible track record regarding human rights, but if the government and AZOV can unify against Russia's advances, the likelihood of 90% of DPR wishing for annexation seems absurd. If Russia has grievances with Ukraine's treatment of the population on their borders, then offer asylum and support in rebuilding lives on THEIR side of the border.

The fact that Russia's first strike was a targeted heavy march on Kyiv however, seems to indicate to me that supporting the population of the DPR was at best, a secondary goal.

**edit** I also find it interesting that Mariupol was one of the first targeted locations, alongside the fact that Russian mines have been producing consistently (and in some cases drastically) lower yields over the past two decades.

_indigo1 5th October 2022 12:33


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023705)
Are we all in agreement that the US blew up the pipeline?

Nothing underscores the core of the error in critical thought than this sentence.

Of course, the real answer is `lol of course not`.
None of us have the real answer to this, there is no evidence either way.
All there is is assumption.

What this sentence is doing is seeking tribal support and confirmation of assumption and opinion so that it can be elevated to 'fact' and incorporated into the greater 'picture'

DrTiTus 5th October 2022 12:54


Originally Posted by Trigga*happY (Post 2023718)
That's a pretty extreme simplification of the situation...
US would be the least to suffer from this action

I was basing it off a) their threat to end the Nordstream pipeline (Biden, on video), b) their ships being in the area at the time, with c) the Polish politician thanking them for doing it (Poland has a navy base 100km south of the location, and may have assisted/allowed them, so maybe not "US alone", but "US-supported/encouraged"), and d) the CIA giving non-specific warnings to a few countries, including Germany, that the pipeline was a target.

There's a financial motive, there is evidence of them being at the scene of the crime, and wherever there is money and energy involved, US is in there "spreading democracy" with weapons of war. But OK, let's give these assholes another chance, maybe THIS time their lies and deceit is for a good cause and they're not just acting in their own financial self-interest. When has America ever used foreigners' lives as pawns in their imperialism? It's SO out of character.

If you guys wanna wait for the official report, you might find out it was done by a bat from the Wuhan wet market and you can all nod sagely and say "ah yes, that makes perfect sense"

DrTiTus 5th October 2022 12:59


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2023722)
None of us have the real answer to this, there is no evidence either way.
All there is is assumption.

What this sentence is doing is seeking tribal support and confirmation of assumption and opinion so that it can be elevated to 'fact' and incorporated into the greater 'picture'

hahah, I'm trolling to get the discussion started, because I wanna see who is seeing the obvious, and who is a hedgehog in the fog of propaganda.

Nich 5th October 2022 13:36

8 September 2022, 3:15 pm
Greek energy firm Energean is expected to begin extracting gas from Israel’s offshore Karish gas field “within weeks” the company says.

The volumes achievable from Karish and similar gas fields are significant for Israel but not in global terms. For comparison, Leviathan produces about 12 bcm per year and Tamar less than 10 bcm, while Europe’s annual demand for gas was around 400 bcm even before the Ukraine crisis, with Russia supplying more than 40 percent of that amount. Clearly, increased Israeli exports would have minimal impact on this imbalance.
Israel may also be able to export gas more widely than its current arrangements: by pipeline to Jordan (where 80 percent of electricity is produced by Israeli gas) and Egypt (whose apparently insatiable domestic energy market is not sufficiently fed by the country’s 75 tcf of gas reserves and estimated annual production of 65 bcm).

just saying...

Trigga*happY 5th October 2022 13:48


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023724)
hahah, I'm trolling to get the discussion started, because I wanna see who is seeing the obvious, and who is a hedgehog in the fog of propaganda.

While, as mentioned, i stand firmly in the "invading country needs to fuck off" camp, i'm not blind to others motives, means and MO's. Which is why i put forward three possibilities in brief, and don't discount the possibility of any countries involvement.

With the US being reluctant to escalate beyond supplying equipment and funding, a direct attack (outside of sanctions) seems like a step too far situation.

"Seeing the obvious," does not automatically mean "The US did it."

Trigga*happY 5th October 2022 14:01


Originally Posted by Trigga*happY (Post 2023726)
With the US being reluctant to escalate beyond supplying equipment and funding, a direct attack (outside of sanctions) seems like a step too far situation.

** but not outside the realms of possibility or even likelihood.

_indigo1 5th October 2022 14:27


Originally Posted by DrTiTus (Post 2023724)
hahah, I'm trolling to get the discussion started, because I wanna see who is seeing the obvious, and who is a hedgehog in the fog of propaganda.

Hedgehog in the fog of propaganda?
That's almost a Bush-ism.

Surely ostrich would have worked better.

Nich 5th October 2022 14:32


Originally Posted by Cyberbob (Post 2023716)
I'm personally firmly in the "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" camp.

Težina lanaca | The Weight of Chains (2010)

Just waiting for some good men to do something about US / Zionist regime-change wars...

DrTiTus 5th October 2022 14:36


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2023729)
Hedgehog in the fog of propaganda?
That's almost a Bush-ism.

Surely ostrich would have worked better.

Hedgehog in the Fog - it's a Soviet animation. I don't know any ostrich-based Soviet films or phrases, sorry.

_indigo1 5th October 2022 14:38


Nich 5th October 2022 15:30

Senator Joe Biden, in 1999, "Suggested bombing of Belgrade and destroying all bridges on the Drina"

Biden dangling NATO membership carrot infront of Albania / Kosovo. History rhymes.

Almost a quarter century later, and they still want to join, and have yet to join. lol. If Ukraine survives 2023, maybe in 2050 they'll get to join... ehhhh I dunno we'll think about it and get back to you. You're on the road to membership though, keep it up!

Lightspeed 5th October 2022 19:01

These Russian torture chambers that are being found are so fucking chilling:

Of course it could be all fake and staged. Not sure where you'd come up with the teeth, perhaps a local dentist?

Nich 5th October 2022 19:43

Michael Hudson on The Euro Without Germany

As a final kicker, Pepe Escobar pointed out on September 28 that “Germany is contractually obligated to purchase at least 40 billion cubic meters of Russian gas a year until 2030. … Gazprom is legally entitled to get paid even without shipping gas. That’s the spirit of a long-term contract. … Berlin does not get all the gas it needs but still needs to pay.” It looks like a long court battle before money will change hands – but Germany’s ability to pay will be steadily weakening.

Poland formally demands $1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany for WWII damages

The relationship between Poland and Germany must be based on truth and justice “so that we can close painful chapters and move forward on the basis of a good neighborhood and cooperation,” said Rau.

He also said the settlement should cover the return of assets that were taken by the Germans, including those in banks.
Banks like Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse... which totally have spare cash right now... and energy enough to open and shut the automatic doors at their branches.

Greater German Youth Movement has entered the chat.

Ab 5th October 2022 20:18

Jesus, that is interesting timing all right.

Nich 5th October 2022 20:45

Given Poland and Israel have some very understandable historic reasons to want to see Germany brought low; and

given Germany very swiftly and conveniently forgot they were all Nazis when USA razed, then made them a vassal. Which silent guilt drove the youth of Germany crazy in the late 60's . see The Living Dead, E1: On the Desperate Edge of Now

Given both countries have have the means, and some of the most sophisticated Palestinian-tested... unh i mean battle-tested weaponry money can buy.

Given both countries also have just unveiled their own gas pipelines into Europe

Given both countries also hate Russia

leaves me to conclude the Zionists blew up nordstream I & II, and probably blackmailed some in US to provide navy assist (helicopters, ships in area)

And now, to ensure they don't get back up, Poland layers on more economy pressure with the victim card reparations.

Nich 5th October 2022 21:10

Also, Poland released this video after the attack. (animation of aerial drones on the bottom of the ocean blowing up the pipeline)

Better to be seen as an incompetant victim, than a capable aggressor. Buh, aerial drones work underwater, I'm so dumb! Israel is good at this game too and you can bet any accusation levelled at Zionist machinations will be met with calls of "anti-semite!"

Nich 6th October 2022 00:40

A snapshot, 2014:
Foreign Affairs' Gideon Rose discusses the origins and implications of the Ukraine rebellion. (USA vpn required)
"We need to steal Russia's girlfriend." (and remember when Colbert was funny!?)

Breaking: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the phone
"They were the same snipers, killing people from both sides... new coalition does not want to investigate."

Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation
"Yatz is the guy... fuck the EU."

Ukrainian General: "Ukraine is under Zionist occupation." / Генерал: "Украину оккупировали Сионисты"
"Initially it looked like 2 clans fighting...and now it's simply a direct Occupation of Ukraine by the US."

Oliver Stone's Revealing Ukraine
“Revealing Ukraine” by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following “Ukraine on Fire”. In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world.

Ab 6th October 2022 11:22

The Ukraine social media game is strong.

DrTiTus 6th October 2022 12:26

Shouldn't they have put the words in Russian, or is this made for English speakers to get support from us instead of sending a message to Russians?

Ab 6th October 2022 12:44

The audience is Western social media users.

DrTiTus 6th October 2022 13:09

Cool, I reported it for threatening a particular group with violence, which is against Twitter rules lol.

I obviously don't care, I just want to see if/how they respond.

Nich 6th October 2022 13:13


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2023760)
The audience is Western social media users.

Civil Society 2.0

The narrative is so absurd that even Reuters fact-check had to pump the brakes:
Fact Check-Video of queues at Russia-Finland border was taken more than three weeks before Vladimir Putin’s partial mobilisation announcement

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