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SpaceCowboy 2nd July 2008 16:36

GMG #9374994: people that dont see me while im crossing a zebra crossing, slam on their brakes while cursing at me with their windows up, then rarking it up when ive barely crossed their half of the road.

Mickey 2nd July 2008 17:24

People that step onto a zebra crossing and pay no attention to whether the car is passed the diamond on the road or not. If a car has passed it then don't step out. Its not rocket science. It amazes me how many kids don't actually know that rule.

Reformed_Quint 2nd July 2008 17:28


Originally Posted by Mickey
People that step onto a zebra crossing and pay no attention to whether the car is passed the diamond on the road or not. If a car has passed it then don't step out. Its not rocket science. It amazes me how many kids don't actually know that rule.


the diamond is law >_<

Delphinus 2nd July 2008 18:14

People who push the button to get the green man....

When its like 11pm at night. On a quiet empty road. Not a fucking car in sight for miles... So I'm cruising along and have to wait for the lights to cycle. Thats 20seconds of my life I'll never get back...

Can you seriously not check for cars yourself before crossing? Like everyone used to do? And still does on every street without lights?

buckies 2nd July 2008 18:37


Originally Posted by Delphinus
People who push the button to get the green man....

When its like 11pm at night. On a quiet empty road. Not a fucking car in sight for miles... So I'm cruising along and have to wait for the lights to cycle. Thats 20seconds of my life I'll never get back...

Can you seriously not check for cars yourself before crossing? Like everyone used to do? And still does on every street without lights?

Yeah, the worst are filter lights that normally go green with the primary light, but get delayed by the Green Man if the button is pushed, thereby greatly exacerbating the waiting time.

Mickey 2nd July 2008 18:41

Or retards that push the button then cross because they see a gap.

CCS 2nd July 2008 18:53

Should they... not cross when they see a gap? Do you honestly expect them to go "Hmm well there's a gap where I could get across the road but I really don't want to piss off some diddle in a car so I'll just wait around a bit"?

SpaceCowboy 2nd July 2008 19:05

mickey, this is grind my gears, not the be an ass thread. the suv in question was at a mcdonalds drive-through - not technically a road, but i didnt realise someone like you would be such a cock about it. there was no diamond btw. she came roaring around the corner far too fast after picking up her mclatte, and only just stopped in time. so yes, i consider her a cock.

Mickey 2nd July 2008 19:13

Wow sensitive much? Where did I say I was having a go at you? Fucks sake, am I not allowed to say that the total opposite grinds my gears? And if there is a pedestrian crossing then somewhere there will be a diamond. Its a basic road rule.

CCS 2nd July 2008 19:18

Pipe down, woman. Know Your Place.

MadMax 2nd July 2008 19:24


Originally Posted by Mickey
Wow sensitive much? Where did I say I was having a go at you? Fucks sake, am I not allowed to say that the total opposite grinds my gears? And if there is a pedestrian crossing then somewhere there will be a diamond. Its a basic road rule.

spacey's reply didn't seem overreactive at all. i say you're the sensitive one having the go

Helious 2nd July 2008 19:25

lol CCS

SpaceCowboy 2nd July 2008 19:27


Originally Posted by Mickey
And if there is a pedestrian crossing then somewhere there will be a diamond. Its a basic road rule.

youd better tell that to mcds greenlane then, or whoever built their drivethrough.

TnT 2nd July 2008 19:43

Or in fact any shopping centre where they have Zebra crossings.

Hazmat 2nd July 2008 20:00


Originally Posted by Delphinus
People who push the button to get the green man....

When its like 11pm at night. On a quiet empty road. Not a fucking car in sight for miles... So I'm cruising along and have to wait for the lights to cycle. Thats 20seconds of my life I'll never get back...

Can you seriously not check for cars yourself before crossing? Like everyone used to do? And still does on every street without lights?

I did that in Sydney at 2 in the morning. Not a car in sight, didn't bother pushing the cross thingo, and just made my way across the road.
$300AU fine from the cop just around the corner for jaywalking.
Damn straight I wait for the green man now, even in ghost-towns, on Christmas day, at 4AM.

Delphinus 2nd July 2008 22:21


Originally Posted by Hazmat
$300AU fine from the cop just around the corner for jaywalking.

GMG - The fact there is such an offense... and that anyone should ever think to invent such an offense...

Ezekiel 25:17 2nd July 2008 23:18

WGMG is when people are standing next to the road at the start of a zebra crossing... so you stop for them. But they aren't waiting tp cross their just waiting there for their friend or something and are just so stupid that they don't realise what it looks like to everyone else.

Torka 3rd July 2008 02:08

NZ drivers are generally really good about stopping at a zebra crossing if they see someone waiting in my experience, even when the law would allow them to keep going. In Christchurch and Wellington at least.

Heard a lot of stories about how fuckwittish drivers are about it in other countries.

Juju 3rd July 2008 02:29

Sitting at work since 11pm trying to fix something that isn't working (can't really go into details).

and I'm not even on call...

Im sure i've grinded over a similer situation like this before, but search reveals I havn't so bah!

flic 3rd July 2008 09:16

^^ "I'm not even meant to BE here today!" ^^ :)

crocos 3rd July 2008 09:17

"Haven't", but yes, many a similar experience.

Was ill on Friday, but got called out to the office twice. Bah.

BloodDonor 3rd July 2008 10:38

NZ Heralds rampant Mac loving blog, in general...

i dont mind mac's, but... such fanboy antics make me wanna puke


Apple puts massive effort into research and development, and indeed came up with the first mass-produced mice for computers, invented the track pad, integrated FireWire and USB into computers widely before anyone else and is responsible for thousands of other hardware and software innovations usually eventually aped by many others.

DevilWTKC 3rd July 2008 10:56


Originally Posted by TnT
Or in fact any shopping centre where they have Zebra crossings.

"Zebra" crossings that are on private property (businesses, supermarkets, malls) are not legal pedestrian crossings. They're referred to in law as "courtesy" crossings. Pedestrians do not have right of way.

What GMG, people who rocket out in front of your car on said courtesy crossing at the supermarket, then have the gall to abuse you about their right of way, whether you're 2m away or not.

SpaceCowboy 3rd July 2008 11:39

if that is true devil, then they shouldnt look exactly the same as a legal crossing, as it confuses everyone, including the drivers. or, they should be made legally equivalent. anything in between is ridiculous.

Skanks 3rd July 2008 12:03


Originally Posted by DevilWTKC
"Zebra" crossings that are on private property (businesses, supermarkets, malls) are not legal pedestrian crossings. They're referred to in law as "courtesy" crossings. Pedestrians do not have right of way.

That has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Whoever thought up that bright idea should be shot.

BadNova 3rd July 2008 12:15


Originally Posted by Skanks
That has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Whoever thought up that bright idea should be shot.

It kinda makes sense if you think about it. Legally speaking, a pedestrian crossing has certain other requirements as well (signage, advance warning painted on the road, the aforementioned diamond), and pedestrian crossings on public roads do have these things.

However if some private owner, be it an individual on his driveway or Westfield in their mall carpark, just slaps some paint down on the ground and calls it a pedestrian crossing, there's no legal backup for that. If you stop your car at one it's a courtesy, there's no actual legal requirement.

By the same token I could make a home-made "stop" sign and stick it on my driveway, doesn't mean I can call the cops if visitors refuse to stop there.

SpaceCowboy 3rd July 2008 12:17

so if i kill someone in my car because i decided not to be courteous, i should be able to get let off with a warning, yea?

BadNova 3rd July 2008 12:20


Originally Posted by SpaceCowboy
so if i kill someone in my car because i decided not to be courteous, i should be able to get let off with a warning, yea?

IANAL, but if you are a pedestrian and you rush out into the middle of a car thoroughfare without paying due care because you believe you have the right of way when you do not, well... whose fault it is comes down to whether the driver had enough time to stop before hitting you - from the legal speed allowed in the car park - I would guess. I wonder what the legal situation is with speed limits in car parks?

I imagine the same rules would apply as if someone rushed across an unmarked street in front of you and you hit them. If you were doing 60 in a 50 zone and coulda stopped if you'd followed the speed limit, you'd be in trouble. If you were doing 50 and someone ran right out in front of you and there was nothing you could reasonably do... why would you be punished?

There is some courtesy involved here, you stop because not stopping would make you a douchebag. Hence the name "courtesy crossing" I suppose.

Reformed_Quint 3rd July 2008 12:27

If you come to work, when you are sick, you deserve to die.

No really, you do.

Bitch comes to work today, sick as, complains about being sick, while coughing everywhere, 'I need the money' wah wah, cough cough, FUCK YOU, you have sick leave, FUCKING TAKE IT.

FUCK, i can feel myself getting sick. So thanks a fucking bunch.

If you are at work today sick, i swear, i will fucking kill you if i find out.

leadinjector 3rd July 2008 12:33

yeah that grinds my gears also. Im sick so im not at work today, or yesterday. I dont get paid sick leave so thats 2 days pay out the window but still.

DevilWTKC 3rd July 2008 13:28


Originally Posted by SpaceCowboy
if that is true devil, then they shouldnt look exactly the same as a legal crossing, as it confuses everyone, including the drivers. or, they should be made legally equivalent. anything in between is ridiculous.

Yer. Most of the ones near me are painted yellow.
It all comes down to common sense and safety though, people shouldn't be charging around carparks, and at the same time pedestrians (as thick and arrogant as some of them may be) shouldn't just walk out in front of a moving car...

SpaceCowboy 3rd July 2008 13:34

yes, yellow lines would be fine, so long as the public are aware that yellow zebra crossings != white zebra crossings.

too bad the council doesnt read nzgames :(

Reformed_Quint 3rd July 2008 13:41

If you tell everyone 'YOU DON"T NEED TO GIVE WAY TO PEDS LOLZ!' on the 'courtesy' crossings no one will let people cross and when an old lady is walking cross one and some 15 year old in his riced up subie runs her down, because he didn't have to give ways oi, then i'm blaming you.

Kryten 3rd July 2008 14:00

Assholes who can't be bothered listing games as NTSC on Trademe.

DevilWTKC 3rd July 2008 14:01

It's just one of those things that people either aren't aware of, or totally ignore because there's no point.

Like the whole giveway rules at an unmarked intersection.

My street is unmarked, but everyone just drives like it is. It's not worth having an accident over even though you may be in the right.

Reformed_Quint 3rd July 2008 14:50


Originally Posted by DevilWTKC
It's just one of those things that people either aren't aware of, or totally ignore because there's no point.

Like the whole giveway rules at an unmarked intersection.

My street is unmarked, but everyone just drives like it is. It's not worth having an accident over even though you may be in the right.

Exactly. Treat a courtesy crossing as you would a ped crossing, and there is no problem!

Delphinus 3rd July 2008 15:15

So what about those stop signs when leaving a carpark like PaknSave or Mitre10. Are you legally obligated to come to a complete stop? Or is it just to make sure the n00bs look properly?

crocos 3rd July 2008 15:17


Originally Posted by Delphinus
So what about those stop signs when leaving a carpark?

IIRC, no actual legal standing.

DevilWTKC 3rd July 2008 15:57


Originally Posted by crocos
IIRC, no actual legal standing.

Hrm. I cant remember either way. But you are usually crossing the footpath so yous better watch out au.

FireStorm 3rd July 2008 17:25

At New World in Birkenhead, there's a stop sign from their carpack onto the main road. I personally come to a stop here regardless but I'm wondering if this is not legally enforced too?

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